Friday, March 31, 2006

Adventures of Bloated and Doomed (10)

The Adventures of Bloated and Doomed
Plague of the week: Purple teeth.
Chapter 1o: WINETASTINg

Yum yum, there are many cleverly anonymised bottles
Yum, yum, we are many thirsty patrons.
We have new glasses especially for the occasion
We have three soups, garlick bread, and mystery casserole.
All vegan of course.

Wine 1: We swirl. We sniff. We set rumours right about legs and cork sniffing. Alex shares that he hasn't masturbated in 15 HOURS!

Wine 2: We burp. We cringe at its nail polishy redness, undoubtedly the £2.80 Haddows special. We decide this wine has no legs.

Wine 3: First spill. We stomp it into the carpet.

Wine 4: The wine demands reggae. We oblige. We think it might be the Italian.

Wine 5: Half-hearted attack of remaining soups until someone remembers it is time to pour again. We lose our pen.

WIne 6: Half-time. Pen is retrieved from potato and coriander soup. EVentual phone call to and rendez-vous with drug dealer. He is celebrating something and sounds happy to hear from us.

We pay a social call to the housing projects.

Extended break.

Jane falls asleep. Alex declares that he loves his friends, his friends are so great. they have great ideas like winetasting parties. THey know guys who sell weed.

They take ages.
They return plastered.

Eventually we return to the wines. It is heard more than once, Guys, we HAVE to finish this.

I want to finish these wines.

Wine 7: Camille curses as Tim forces the wine past her lips: Nononononooo... she says, I don't want any more of your fucking SOUP!..., trails off and passes out..

Wine 8: it is mystery what happened during this round. little evidence is recorded. the page for recording comments about wine 8 contains purple stains. nothing more.

however, the next morning over veggie breakfast at Snax, the boys piece together flashbacks of Dai rallying a Best Wine victory for the Tesco French he declared the best wine he ever did drunk.



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