Saturday, September 24, 2005

Rule 11: Demand pure lies from the ones you love.

Why do they ALL want things we cant give them---like untempered truth?

If I asked you to grant me one wish, it would be lies. For once, I want to know exactly what you will give me. NO more christmas boxes parked in my bed,I want you to give me the purest thing possible--which to me, is lies.

Please. Talk lies untainted by emotional uncertainty. Whisper lies untainted by hmmmmmmmm.... Tell me about things you have NEVER done--but tell me you've done them. And often.

Light a fire beneath the truth. A fire to lick hungrily at the windows of the library. When the truth burns away, let the winds come and blow the booky Ashes of Almost all the way to yesterday.

Because the burnt belongs to today.

And today we shall lie:

Truth is for the weak.

I never read your diary.
I don't care what what you really think.
I respect your privacy.
I never wished you had bigger boobs.
I think you are perfect.
I could never even consider visiting a strip club.

I never have sexy dreams about anyone else.
I never smoke.
I never kissed another man.

In the lies is where the real truth sits.

Trust me.


Blogger Aloysius Munn said...

I 'lie' in bed, a lot. Just yesterday I said to Madelein "no I wasn't inebriated last night, just a bit exuberant." Then she hit me.

1:21 pm  
Blogger Ryan James said...

oKAY...wHY hAVE'NT wE mET?

11:49 pm  

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